Ministry's objectives

Learn our goals, responsibilities, and objectives

General Objectives

The Ministry of Altar Servers aims to:


Tasks and


  1. The primary purpose of being an altar server is to serve God and the Church through the liturgical celebrations (see GIRM 100; 187-193, except distributing or assisting in Holy Communion), and to become a better Christian and person. Hence, his purpose for serving is not out of mere desire to earn recognition at school or work, or of peer pressure or any selfish motives.

  2. A server undertakes both liturgical service and spiritual growth. If he serves at Mass but doesn’t or seldom attends formation series, he is driven of impure motive for serving and, hence, his attitude is subject to poor evaluation.

  3. A server is a servant of God. He is expected to live a morally-decent life. Hence, he exemplifies good Christian character whether inside or outside the parish. He is committed to spiritual formation and personal spiritual growth in love for God and for Mary.

  4. A server is a servant for the Church. He serves out of love and dedication for the Church. He respects and lives out the teachings of the Church. He respects, observes, and submits himself to the direction and guidelines of the diocese and of the parish. He gives his total self and commitment in service. Hence, he also prioritizes service above any of his busy schedule. He continues to serve regardless of his other personal commitments outside the church.

  5. A server is a servant for others. He initiates and fosters good fraternal relationship with his fellow servers. He shows humility and respect to his fellow servers, his Officers, and to other parish workers, even ordinary parishioners or churchgoers. Above all, he is a good model of service and modesty to others, especially in his community.

  6. A server fulfills his liturgical service in accordance to the following:

  7. A server attends the following mandatory schedule:

  8. Scheduled liturgical service

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