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Organization Events

Here are some of the different events that are integrated in the organization's culture. These activities help us develop our link with Christ and God at the center, and they help us create brotherly relationships inside the organization.

Lenten Pa-Contest

These events are conducted during the lenten season and that is also mostly the themes of the following activities.

Summer Outing

During the humid and hot summer days, the group makes every effort to arrange and refresh itself by visiting resorts. The organization not only organizes swimming and water-related activities, but also recreational events (calamansi race, ikot takbo and many more).

A picture used for advertising the ministry during 2012.

A picture used for advertising the ministry during 2012.

An example of the Ministry's accomodation post.

Summer Sports Festival

Different sports and recreational activities are arranged in order to strengthen the members bond.

A picture for the amazing raced theme for the sportsfest of 2010.

A picture of an officer in charge explaining the rules of sportsfest 2012.

Awarding Ceremonies

In the ministry, there are two sorts of awards ceremonies. The first is the mid-year awarding ceremony, which takes place in June and July and honors exceptional and active members. The second is the much-anticipated end-of-year awarding ceremony, which recognizes the Altar Server of the Year who goes above and beyond in serving the community and setting a positive example.

A picture of an event post for Mid- Year awarding of 2018.

A picture of the twins that became Altar Servers Of the Year 2019.

Christmas Party

Every year, in order to commemorate the birth of our Lord and Savior, the ministry plans and executes the most incredible Christmas party experience not only for the members, but also for the community, by accommodating the parish's unfortunate members and enjoying this magnificent event as a whole.

A picture of the Christmas Party of 2019.


A sacrilegious journey to historical and religious sites in order to study, worship, adore, and experience unique places that might further strengthen our faith through commemorating the origins of faith in that place.

A group picture of the members partaking a pilgrimage in tarlac during 2018.

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